Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Time

Merry Bloody Christmas
to all you Nevilles

And have a Beaut New Year
from the

Sandgroppers Mob

Carlos, Tania, Jacko, Sarah, Blueie Harrison and
Little Oscar

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Mob

G'day again....
Well now the mob is getting a bit older with Jacko turning six, Sarah now four and a half, Harrison moving past two and a half and little Oscar now hitting seven mouths old. So here's a photo of the Kiddymob, hanging out in the TV room..... the most used room in our house.

The naked chef eat your heart out!!. Here's the three amingoes having a bath together. Which we don't do that many times, mainly because the amount of kiddies together at one time in the bath. Decides how much water is distributed around the bathroom floor. In this case let's just say.... it's flooded!!, Little moguls.

Here the kiddies are hanging out in Sarah's room. Well it's her room for now but in pretty short time she'll be getting a new roommate by the name of Blueie 2 (Oscar). But for now she has her own space, in this photo we had to wake her up, so there's no better way to wripe the cobwebs from the mine then getting the whole mob to say MORNING!!.

And the last mob photo is Jacko and Sarah with the little man himself Oscar. He's just laying there thinking to himself.... How in the hell did i end up in this place???.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sculpture Park


Well the sun came up on yet another beaut WA morning, the early air had a cool crisp feel to it and already the Dunny Budgie's (blowfly's) were out in numbers. But that wasn't gonna stop yours truly from our day out at Sculpture Park.
So we packed our commodore for a little trip up the road (about two minutes drive away-the way the crow fly's), to a place called Gumboc Gallery Sculpture Park. It's a little Gallery on James road just of Toodyay road, which from our place at Middle swan is about a two can walk. And it's FREE... well i think it's free, put it this way we didn't see anybody about so it was free.

We didn't go into the actual gallery... can you just wonder at what priceless pieces of art that my lovable little treasures could pick up and want to play with. I would rate taking my kiddies into a Gallery up their with maybe spending time at a spicegirls concert!!.
But with this place you don't have to actually go into the Gallery, you can let the kiddies just run wild outside, as their grounds are chokers with beaut sculpture's that they can brake!!.
In photo No1 we get an Australian feel with the kiddies hanging around a ridgie-didge aussie Icon "The bush kangaroo". This is the old man's favorite in the park, I reckon if I was going to put a whole bunch of junk together to make something, I'd love it to look like a kangaroo. But probably it would just look like a bunch of junk. In the next Photo we have Sarah and a camel, both looking about as excited as each other. The last time I saw a camel looking like that he was laying beside the Nullabor Highway, after being gobsmacked by a fast moving Kenworth roadtrain, Fair dinkum.

Some of the sculpture's are okay for the kiddies to get their hands on, like in Photo No3 where Jack 'n Sarah get the chance to be in a cage with T-REX himself. He still looks scary even if he is red. Why they painted him red I'm not sure but THAT'S ART!!.
And last but not least "Ants at a picnic". This one I thought was pretty cool. There got a picnic set up and all these bloody big ants are doing what ALL big ants do...
What ever that is. But it still looked pretty bloody cool.

There's a hell-of-a-lot more sculptures about the park. Some of them pretty bloody grouse, but these were the best ones that the little nevilles could touch without braking them.... well sort of not-brake, you'd be surprised what you can do with a bit of sticky-tape and an imagination!!!
But it was a real beaut time out and the kiddies had a ripsnorter of a time , and that's what all these trips are all about... The kid's having a bonzer time and the old man getting a little bit closer to a nerves brake down, Fair Dinkum.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Walkabout 'round MIDLAND

G'Day again.
Well on the weekend me and the kiddies went fall a walkabout 'round Midland. Midland is the next suburb next to Middle Swan, A couple of years ago Midland started what is called THE MIDLAND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. There job was to redevelop all the shittie places around Midland. One being the old Railway workshops and the land around it. The intention of putting long-legged metal sculptures at different places around Midland, was to reach out to both local residents and tourists who come to Midland (by mistake).
To show a distinctive and you beaut unique artworks that reflect on Midland's past and future. The photo's above are 1) Sarah with 'KATE AND SAM FLYING'

2) Harrison hanging out with 'MOTHER WITH DAUGHTER'.

3) Jack with 'FLAG MAN FRED'

4) 'SMOKO' and Jacko having a feed.

and 5) Sarah and 'THREE FRIENDS'. And if you would like to have a squizz at some more info on these ripper sculptures , then just punch in there website (Go on give it a burl). And that's about it for now so I'll just say Ooroo and I'll see ya later.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Trip to Northam

G'day from your mates over on the Western Coast
Well just a couple of weekends ago i packed the commodore with some good tucker and chucked in the little spacecedits and off we drove out bush to Northam.
As you can see in the first photo the best thing in Northam is a bloody good play area for the kiddies. There's a big sandpit area with a flamin' big toy pirate ship, that the kiddies loved playing on.
Then after a scrutinise beaut picnic we went walkabout along the swan riverside to the suspenced bridge. As the photo's show the nevilles loved it, on the other side we fead the ducks and a couple of magpies then turned around and made the trip back over. Without dout the suspenced bridge is the must see tourist attraction in Northan. Come to think of it..... it was the only tourist attraction in Northem !!!.

Friday, May 12, 2006

The little fella

Well the Little fella has now turned two and a half weeks old, and he has just started sleeping in for six hours at night !. You little beauty. He's a happy little monster who loves a good feed (bottle). The other kiddies get on well with him but we have to keep an eye on Blueie (Harrison). As he does'nt like the fact that he is no longer the baby of the family !!!. He has been known to walk past the little fella and just give him a little clip across the ears, Fair dinkum. But i think you will find that thay will become the best of mates, as time goes by.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Well in the early mornin' of the 31st of March,with just a hint of cool mornin' air sneakin' under the shut delivery ward door at the old swan districts hospital. We, me and the misses Tania.Witness the birth of our fourth and LAST little kiddie who poped into the world at five minutes to five.Weighing in at 7 pounds 6 he was the biggest little fish that our family has ever layed eyes on.It was yours truly's turn to pick the namein' rights of this monster fish and i came up with the beaut little name of OSCAR.Never before had the name of "Oscar" been used anywhere in the pages of the Paul's History,and probably never again.Why call him Oscar ,well good question as i don't even know why that name poped up in the old brain damaged scone.But i can tell you he was'nt named after a world reknown SHARK SLAYER!!! (as some people might believe).And as for his second name we kept with the tratition of namein' special oldies in our lifes.This time we chouse the name of me good old Pop.Which as you probably know is William.So now you have to raise your glasses and toast a toast to our new little sparring partner Oscar William Paul.And wish him a beaut and colourful live with his ripsnorter of a family in sleepie little old Middle swan.